Prosthetic dentistry

Prosthetic dentistry involves using various types of restorative structures, such as crowns, bridges, dentures, and implants, to replace lost teeth and restore the ability to chew, speak, and smile. The primary goal is to restore the functionality of the oral cavity while preserving or improving the aesthetics of the teeth and gums.


Main types of prosthetic restorations

Dental Crowns

Зъбната корона е неснемаема конструкция, която се поставя върху зъб, който е предварително подготвен по специален начин, под формата на зъбно пънче. Изработва се индивидуално в зъботехническа лаборатория, като формата и цвета са съобразени със съседните зъби. Короната се залепва върху зъба, който възстановява и изглежда и функционира като всеки един от останалите зъби. Дентална корона може да бъде фиксирана и върху поставен зъбен имплант. ​Короните могат да бъдат изработени от различни материали – металокерамика, цирконий, керамика, PPMA.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a permanent (fixed) structure, designed to restore one or more missing teeth. It consists of an artificial tooth(s), firmly fixed on both sides to dental crowns. After preparing and filing the teeth around the extracted ones, the bridge is bonded to them with cement. Bridges are made of the same materials as dental crowns and aesthetically resemble the adjacent healthy teeth. They are permanent, comfortable, and fully restore the aesthetics and function of the dentition.


Removable dentures are plastic or metal bases on which artificial teeth are arranged, which restore missing teeth in the oral cavity. The dentures are removed from the mouth every day for cleaning. They are made of hard or elastic thermoplastic plastic and are held in the mouth by adhesion or with the help of adhesives.
If there are remaining healthy teeth, partial dentures are made. In addition to plastic, they can also be made of a metal alloy and can be attached to adjacent teeth by hooks or joints (molded dentures). These dentures, as well as elastic-plastic dentures, are better tolerated and adapt faster.

Advantages of prosthetic dentistry

  • Restoring functionality – Tooth loss makes chewing and speaking difficult, which affects patients’ quality of life. Prosthetic solutions restore normal tooth function while providing stability and comfort.
  • Improving aesthetics – Prosthetic dentistry helps restore a natural smile and facial symmetry. With modern materials, restorations look natural and harmonious, blending in with the color and shape of the remaining teeth.
  • Preventing bone loss– When you lose a tooth, the bone in your jaw begins to resorb due to the lack of stimulation from chewing. Prosthetic solutions, especially dental implants, prevent this process by maintaining bone structure and jaw health.
  • Better self-esteem – Missing teeth often lead to shyness and discomfort when smiling. Restoring teeth with prosthetic structures improves and restores the patient's confidence, allowing them to smile and communicate freely.
  • Durability and reliability – С правилна грижа и редовни посещения при стоматолога, протетичните възстановявания могат да издържат дълги години. Модерните материали и технологии осигуряват трайност и устойчивост на конструкциите, което ги прави надеждно решение за дългосрочни резултати.

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